A rapist fascinated with the horror film Split - about a man with multiple personalities - manipulated and raped a young woman.

Joseph Head, 25, formerly of Southampton, went to extreme lengths over the course of three months to manipulate his victim into believing he had multiple personalities.

He told her if she refused to have sex with him, they would both be harmed.

A police investigation was only launched after the victim came forward and told officers what she endured.

Head, of Chase Road, Epsom, told her that one of his personalities - J - was very violent and that if she did not do exactly what he wanted J would appear, which caused the victim a huge amount of fear and intimidation.

Head had a fascination with the M. Night Shyamalan film 'Split' about a man suffering from dissociative identity disorder with 23 alter egos, who kidnaps three teenagers.

On one occasion, Head convinced the survivor that the different personalities had forced him to take an overdose - expert toxicology evidence proved that this was fake.

Officers found ‘notes’ on his phone that outlined each of his multiple personalities, with their names and the characteristics of each.

The long and complex investigation involved victim testimony, forensics, digital assessment of thousands of text messages, witness evidence, expert testimony in relation to Head’s false overdose claim and the evaluation of Head’s medical history.

A psychiatric report found that he did not have dissociative identity disorder.

'Head is a dangerous predator'

Investigating officer Andy Price said: “Head is a dangerous predator who manipulated and frightened this young woman into having sex with him without her true consent.

“The unique circumstances of this case posed a challenge to the team but with the unwavering support from the survivor, a thorough investigation and dedication by the team to bring Head to justice, a conviction was secured.

“I would like to acknowledge the bravery of the survivor in coming forward to us, supporting the investigation and helping keep other women safe. Although the trauma of what happened cannot be erased, I hope this outcome can give at least some measure of closure.”

He was found guilty of three charges of rape, and sexual assault. He sentenced to eight years in prison after a three-week trial at Winchester Crown Court.

He will also be on the sex offenders' register for life.