TORY leader David Cameron urged us all to "hug a hoodie" to tackle youth crime.

Now one Hampshire pensioner has taken it literally - to foil a raid at his local shop.

Raymond Tripley blocked the exit of the Co-op store in Netley when a thief tried to get away with a pack of 24 cans of beer.

When the youth tried to barge past him, the 72-year-old did not think twice.

He threw his arms around him in a bear hug, sending the pair of them crashing to the floor.

Plucky Raymond told the Daily Echo: "He was really shocked. We struggled for a bit before we both went down and fell on the floor.

"A couple of cans exploded and he was so shocked he got up and ran off."

Suspicious The retired lecturer said he was in the shop with a female member of staff when the incident happened.

He said the would-be thief had been acting suspiciously and had returned to the store in Station Road shortly after telling the shopworker he was leaving to get some money to pay for the alcohol.

He added: "When he came back in I knew he was going to make a run for it. The shop girl tried to stop him but he got past her and then I got in the way.

"You heard all this talk of David Cameron saying hug a hoodie' and that's what I did. And it worked. It's hilarious, really," he said.

Raymond said he was glad to stand up to the thief after being a victim of burglary himself.

"I think we have all just got to stand up to them sometimes.

"I was scared but I didn't really think about it. It was all quite instinctive."

"I had to pay for my shopping so I thought he should have to pay for his," he said.

As a thank you for his help, Co-op bosses presented the regular customer with two bottles of wine.

A spokeswoman said: "While we do not encourage our customers to become involved in incidents like this, we would very much like to thank Raymond for his brave actions in supporting our staff member on Sunday evening."

The would-be thief was with a second youth who was outside at the time of the incident on Sunday night.

A spokeswoman for Hampshire Constabulary confirmed they were called to the shop at 8.45pm.

Anyone who witnessed the incident is asked to call police on 0845 045 4545 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.