A row has erupted over what Labour has described as ‘blatant lies’ published on a Conservative leaflet about a huge council tax hike.

Leader of Southampton City Council Lorna Fielker has hit out at the Tory pamphlet entitled ‘Labour’s 20 per cent horrendous council tax whammy’.

It speculated that the Labour administration could hike council taxes up by 20 per cent – which Cllr Fielker vehemently denied.

An increase of council tax by 4.99 per cent - the maximum amount allowed without a referendum – was approved last week.

But Cllr Jeremy Moulton, deputy leader of the city Conservatives, still feared council bankruptcy could be on the cards.

Both councillors have butted heads over the leaflet posted to residents on Tuesday.

Daily Echo:

Cllr Fielker said she ‘has no idea’ where the 20 per cent figure has come from.

She said: “I am shocked to see it.

“The lying is really appalling; the Conservatives know it is not true.

“It makes people feel really worried, do not tell absolute blatant lies.

“The residents of Southampton deserve so much better than that.”

READ MORE: Government agrees £120m support package for struggling city council

She confirmed the council approved the 2024/25 budget which included the tax increase last week.

Two per cent of the 4.99 per cent is ringfenced for social care.

Cllr Fielker added: “There is an increase and I am not going to pretend there isn’t, but there is not a 20 per cent increase.”

The books were balanced thanks to the exceptional £121m financial support recently approved by central government.

Despite the cash boost, Cllr Moulton claims the council has no plan to prevent bankruptcy.

He said: “We have been in this difficult position for a year now and if we do not do something we will be heading to bankruptcy again.

“The council has put a sticking plaster on it.

“We are facing a five per cent increase now but there is a very real risk the council will fail to deliver and we will go bankrupt.”