With the sun starting to shine and temperatures reaching the mid-20s this weekend, millions of people across the country will be getting their barbecues ready.

However, Brits are being warned that they could face fines of up to £3,200 for pulling out their barbecues this weekend.

Each year around 240 accidental fires are caused by barbecues each year in England alone, and as a result there are laws in place surrounding them.

Breaking them could result in hefty fines, so Adam Harper, fire expert and operations director at Fire & Evacuation Services, outlined the potential penalties you could face when having a barbecue.

Daily Echo: You could be fined up to £3,200 for breaking rules around BBQs this weekendYou could be fined up to £3,200 for breaking rules around BBQs this weekend (Image: Getty/DisobeyArt)


The biggest factor when it comes to BBQ fines is the location people choose to have them. Some public parks do have designated areas for BBQs, but many have completely banned them, so it’s always important that you check with your local council or park authority before you begin to cook.

The council’s website should clarify the rules, but if not, there is usually signage at the park that will make the rules clear.

Ignoring designated BBQ zones can result in fines ranging from £50 to over £300 depending on the severity and the local authority.


Even in areas where having BBQs is permitted, excessive smoke can be a problem. While BBQs are exempt from smoke control laws, causing a ‘statutory nuisance’ through unreasonable smoke levels can lead to fines of up to £300.

To avoid landing a significant fine, you need to be mindful of wind direction and ensure that you have good ventilation so you don’t annoy any neighbours or fellow park-goers.

Disposable BBQs

Disposable BBQs have earned a bad reputation in recent years, but it’s the people using them that’s the real issue.

Many beaches and parks have banned them entirely due to the risk of discarded units starting wildfires, and using a disposable BBQ where prohibited can lead to fines of £100 or more.


You may not be worried or focussed on the clear-up operation while you are enjoying your BBQ, but it’s the aftermath than can lead to the heftiest fine.

Leaving litter behind is not only inconsiderate but it can also result in some costly consequences, as local authorities can issue fixed penalty notices of up to £2,500 for littering.

Therefore, it’s advisable to pack bin bags and ensure all rubbish, food waste, and disposable plates are properly disposed of before heading home.