A Southampton student enjoyed her day as a judge for a national competition.

Last year, Oasis Academy Sholing's Year 8 students, including finalists of the award-winning Big Ideas Programme, Darcy and Matt, took part in a Solutions for the Planet competition.

Their team, G.R.O.W.T.H., won the regional finals and received commendation at the national finals, held at the Palace of Westminster. This year, Darcy was welcomed as a Youth Judge for the regional competition at Portsmouth University on May 13.

Matt had previously assisted with shortlisting G.R.O.W.T.H (Growth, Revival, Outdoors, Wellbeing, Togetherness, and Health) is now working with Key Stage 2 and 3 students, offering workshops and sessions to foster growth.

Darcy said: "It was an honour to be a youth judge for the Big Ideas Competitions regional finals, held at Portsmouth University.

"Throughout the day, I had the opportunity to listen to 10 different groups from local schools present their 'Big Ideas' and I was amazed by their effort and dedication.

"All the teams presented themselves extremely well, and I thoroughly enjoyed my day as a judge."