Neighbours on a Southampton street plagued with bins overflowing with dog faeces have said it causes their houses to ‘stink’.

Residents living on Wilton Road have complained to environmental health after dog excrement was left on the road from an overflowing bin.

One Upper Shirley resident said the issue, which has been ongoing ever since she moved to the area in September, has left her and her neighbours feeling "disgusted" when walking outside their front doors.

Sukhvinder Kaur Bhatti, who only moved into her new home eight months ago but has even had to pick up dog mess from outside her driveway.

She said: “It’s when you’re having to come in after work and you come home and you can smell it.

“It just stinks the place. And in the summer it attracts all sorts of flies so you can’t even open the windows otherwise the house fills up with flies. It’s not very nice.”

Despite reporting it to Southampton City Council, and the bin being collected , the mum of four is concerned that the issue will persist until the summer and has urged the local authority to collect the bins more often.

The 40-year-old said: “I just feel it’s a massive issue when it comes to health and safety. There are children walking on this road, and people taking their dogs out rather than taking the mess with them they drop it off by the bin if it's filled up.

“It needs to be collected more often to stop it from overflowing.”

Another resident who lives near the bins said in the summer it makes her house smell of faeces.

The resident said: “You can’t even open the window at night because it just stinks. It was only last week that I had to scrape mess from my driveway rather than dumping it in the bin people were just leaving it on the drive.

“It’s horrible.”

Southampton City Council has said: "Our teams have been out to assess the situation and the bin on Wilton Road was empty and clean.

"To report an overflowing bin, residents can do this online or by contacting our Customer Services team.”