Southampton City Council is appealing for more foster carers to support the 489 children in care within the city.

With a significant amount of these children living outside their home city, maintaining familiar surroundings is said to greatly assist them in coping during these difficult periods.

The council aims to provide these vulnerable youngsters with the warmth and stability required via carers within their local community, regardless of their gender, relationship status, sexual orientation, or disabilities.

Councillor Alex Winning, Cabinet Member for Children and Learning said: "Parenting brings great joy but can also present significant challenges, and sometimes families need extra support to help them get through difficult times. It’s at these important times our amazing foster carers are on hand to support children and young people.

"Getting messages from parents of the babies we have fostered, like one mum who was very excited to share that their children just got into their preferred school.

"Being invited to visit the family’s new flat after finishing a parent and child fostering placement. Receiving news from them after they have moved on from us is an amazing moment."