A plan for a travellers’ site near Eastleigh has seen a wave of opposition from neighbours.

The plans brought to Eastleigh Borough Council include a change of use to the land to create 10 traveller pitches for the siting of 10 mobile homes, 20 touring caravans and the building of a dozen day rooms.

Should the plans be given the green light it would also see the site west of Allington Business Centre, on Allington Lane, have 12 timber outbuildings being built and boundary and boundary treatment.

However, the proposals have attracted a wave of opposition with many citing fears on the impact on the environment.

Resident Matthew Harrison said: “I contest this application due to the negative impact on the environment, the local green areas and the disruption to the local wildlife.

“I am also concerned about the longstanding effects of this change of land status, in that the land could later be developed upon when we should be trying our utmost to maintain local green areas.

“These areas allow for pollination of plants and trees (providing us with clean air) and encourage local wildlife to thrive.”

Meanwhile, another resident, Christine Beresford mentioned fears about noise from dogs or rubbish being dumped.

She said: “I am not happy with the planning proposal as this is land of natural beauty and already trees have been felled and fences cut.

“I think the local residents are already concerned about the noise of the dogs and the rubbish being dumped.”

Another resident, Chris Saunders said the farm track leading to the site is not fit for the HGVs which are needed to provide constant land fill to keep the site dry.

He said: “The farm track is also not wide enough or fit to accommodate caravans and motor homes.

“The farm track leading to the site does not provide reasonable access or lighting for emergency vehicles such as fire trucks and ambulances.

Eastleigh Borough Council are yet to make a decision on the application.