Two men are set to take on Mount Kilimanjaro in a bid to raise funds for a Hampshire-based charity.

Alan Finden, 60, from Locks Heath and recently retired BAE Systems employee Nick Bowler plan to scale Africa's tallest peak this July, in support of Smile4Wessex.

The duo face a gruelling climb equivalent to 2,500 flights of stairs, or five and a half Mount Snowdon’s.

In June 2002, Nick's 15-year-old son, Richard Bowler, suffered a fatal subarachnoid brain haemorrhage while training with Sarisbury Green's local youth football club.

This devastating event led to the establishment of Smile4Wessex, a charity supporting Wessex Neurological Centre which provides care for brain injuries and diseases to over 3 million residents across southern England and the Channel Islands.

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The centre also caters to nearly 8,500 inpatients and 45,000 outpatients annually.

Alan said: "Neither of us are in our prime so it's going to be quite a challenge, with plenty of training required."

They have already spent hours climbing any hill they can find, ranging from Old Winchester Hill to days in the Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia.

"Strengthening knees and ankles is especially important at our age, so we have plenty of visits to the gym with a rigorous routine", he added.

Funds have been raised through a JustGiving page with both men hoping to make their incredible journey worthwhile.