A charity with only ‘six weeks left of funding’ is in desperate need of money to prevent it from closing its doors.

Butterflies Bereavement Support provides a helping hand for those in need in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

Based in Eastleigh, the charity offers counselling sessions with qualified professionals, bereavement groups, and weekly friendship phone calls from a ‘buddie’.

But grants and donations to the ‘vital’ charity have come to a halt, making it difficult for running costs to be met.

Visit https://crowdfunder.co.uk/p/save-butterflies-bereavement-support to support

So far around £1,500 has been donated to an urgent appeal set up by the charity.

Chair of the charity Julie Lamont said: “I can't stress enough the urgency of the situation and the impact it will have if we close.

“One of our clients said it all when he thanked the charity for the support he had received and said, ‘I can now live my life again'.

“Since Covid, we've seen more and more cases of people in desperate need.

“Many still feel great guilt and shame from not being able to see their loved one at the time of their death and we will see this for years to come."

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The charity, which was created in 2019, is run by 60 volunteers who support hundreds of people facing bereavement and loss.

Referrals for its support come from many different organisations, including mental health services, GP surgeries, and the bereaved themselves.

The loss of the charity would cause a significant impact on the services and those struggling with grief.

Butterflies has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise £25,000 which will allow them to keep their doors open and address the long waiting list of 40 clients needing counselling.

According to the Charity Commission, the charity had a total income of £21,638 in the year to December 2023, but spent £29,230. Its income included £9,000 from Government grants.