A café named after the owner's three-year-old grandson has said it will open doors in June. 

Genevieve Mahoney, 54, owner of Theodore's Café, says it will open doors on June 7 on the High Street, taking the unit formerly known as Blake's.

Named after her three-year-old grandson, Theodore, Genevieve said she was given the keys to the building before Christmas and has since worked hard to renovate the store, painting it in New Forest colours. 

She said: "Theodore's is a family-owned business and it is absolutely our first cafe. It's run by me, my son, my daughter-in-law, and my husband and we're all in it together. 

"The name Theodore came about because it's my grandson's name and he just loves cake.

"He's very young so he doesn't really get it, but he thinks it's his cafe. 

"We've always thought we would love to open a cafe and I then progressed into the NHS and worked in a school. When I left there this came up and I thought 'this is it, it's the one'."

Genevieve says her family all agreed to 'plunge' into and have worked hard to train and learn everything needed to open. 

Genevieve is very happy to say the store looks 'nothing like it did before'. 

She said: "Because it's in Ringwood, I thought of the New Forest so it's dark green on the outside which compliments Luna Coffee next door. 

"Inside is wooden and a paler green so it's very neutral. We've had a lot of compliments on the colour and the inside and people have been really friendly."

Theodore's Café will sell a wide range of smoothies, milkshakes and paninis and sandwiches with several bread options. 

It has also said its coffee has been provided by Bournemouth roaster, Bad Hand Coffee who Genevieve stated has helped provide machinery.

They are third business in Ringwood to be supported by them. 

She stated all products have been supplied locally.

Genevieve has also thanked other local businesses for their 'warmth' and stated at no point has she felt any hostility.