A Southampton-based charity, Communicare, is celebrating Volunteers’ Week by showcasing its befriending scheme.

For one week starting from June 3, Communicare is highlighting endearing friendships fostered through its volunteering program.

The charity’s manager, Annie Clewlow said: "We’re often asked by people thinking of volunteering with us why they should choose Communicare. It would be easy for us to give lots of reasons to get involved, but it’s best if people hear from our volunteers themselves.

"So, as part of 2024 Volunteers’ Week, we’ve put together a series of ‘Volunteer Stories’ launching on June 3 to give you more information on what volunteering for us involves and how it benefits our service users as well as the volunteer."

Among the highlighted stories is that of the volunteer Claire Rutherford, who has forged a four-year friendship with service user Sheila Waddell.

Ms Waddell said: "We have got on so well from the beginning and really enjoy each other's company, to the extent that when Claire recently got married, she invited not only me to the wedding, but also my daughter and son-in-law, and we all had a wonderful time!"

The charity's services, provided by dedicated volunteers known as Communiteers, offer a lifeline for more than 700 individuals and families.

The services range from providing companionship, transport for appointments, to assistance with shopping, all aimed at enriching the lives of vulnerable and isolated people in the Southampton area.

Volunteers’ Week is celebrated across the UK each year, starting on the first Monday of every June, to honour the incredible contributions volunteers make within our communities and wider society.

Communicare's celebration is a tribute to their devoted, unpaid workforce, their Communiteers, in an effort to acknowledge and thank them for their dedication and service.

Although the charity provides its services free of charge, they are largely dependent on donations, and beneficiaries are encouraged to contribute if possible. Volunteers are also offered expenses.

Ms Clewlow added: "If you ever have a spare hour, or so, each week, then we’d love to hear from you, as we always need more volunteers and befrienders, and the experience may also benefit you too."