A wildlife trust has held a recent conference to showcase conservation efforts across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

The Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust's Seeing is Believing 2024 CEO Conference saw celebrated conservationists including Liz Bonnin, Chris Packham, and Megan McCubbin joined Wildlife Trusts' leaders at the event.

Conference discussions emphasised the critical link between land and sea, underlining the importance of comprehensive conservation strategies and collaborative nature recovery efforts.

Sessions highlighted the crucial task of seagrass restoration around the Solent, discussing how to protect, restore, and monitor this vital habitat.

The conference also investigated the significance of maintaining healthy soils and river ecosystems, touching on the potential impact of beavers on landscape restoration, flood and drought prevention, and biodiversity improvement.

Case studies included the productive synergy between rewilding and regenerative farming at Wilder Little Duxmore and Wilder Nunwell.

Hollie Fallick and Francesca Cooper from Nunwell Home Farm unveiled how their farming practices dovetail with the Trust's rewilding policies.

Local innovators such as the Garlic Farm and the Ellen MacArthur Foundation brought to light how sustainable practices not only aid the environment but also promote economic resilience.

The Trust said it was grateful to all participants for their valuable contributions to the conference's success, and to residents in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight for their continuous support.