A six year old boy has organised the donation of nearly three thousand toilet rolls in a bid to say thank you to the charity which helped look after his family while his younger sister was seriously ill.

Little Louisa Peterson spent seven months in various hospitals after being diagnosed with a 'very rare' condition before finally being discharged in September 2022.

During that time, mum Vicki Peterson, dad Dave and older brother Oliver spent months at Ronald McDonald House by Southampton General Hospital, Hants, to enable them to be within minutes of poorly Louisa.

As a result, older brother Oliver wanted to say thank you to the charity which housed his family while his sister - who is now aged two and doing well - was treated.

After asking what Ronald McDonald House would appreciate most, he wrote a letter to his School Council asking fellow pupils and their families to donate toilet rolls after learning the charity which is close to his heart goes through 7,000 a year.

In a monumental effort, classmates of St Francis Church of England Primary School and the congregation of the local church pulled together to donate 2,800 rolls.

In four car loads, Mrs Peterson, 44, managed to get them all over to the charity house which provided 'an absolute lifeline' to her family.

"They provided stability when there was no stability in the rest of our life," she said.

"They have been an absolute lifeline for us and for other families that come from miles away."

Louisa was born with 'very rare' chromosomal disorder called Cat eye syndrome and was transferred between hospitals in Winchester, Southampton and Great Ormond Street before finally being well enough to stay on a ward.

The family stayed in the Ronald McDonald House, which is on site of Southampton General Hospital, and allowed them to respond to news from doctors or simply visit Louisa at short notice.

"It's completely and utterly free which makes such a difference," she said.

"Oliver said he wanted to do something - that's what this idea came from.

"In the car with all the toilet rolls, he said 'see Mummy, one letter can make all the difference'."

Thanking the home, she added: "For their care, their laughter, for making an unbelievably difficult time in people's lives that bit easier.

"The staff alleviate some of that - they are amazing."

Ronald McDonald Community Fundraiser, Ericka Heron said: "From myself and Ronald McDonald House Charities UK I would like to say a massive thank you to Oliver and the rest of St Francis School for all their amazing support.

"Oliver has proved that such a simple thing as writing a letter to your school council can make a massive difference.

"Thanks to Oliver, we don't need to use vital funds to purchase toilet rolls for a long time. As an independent charity we are always looking for more support from superstars like Oliver, so if you'd like to support, please contact us at www.rmhc.org.uk."