A car-free flat development in Southampton has been approved by councillors.

The proposal for the site near The Avenue attracted almost an equal split of support and opposition during a public consultation.

The four-flat scheme for land at the corner of Mordaunt Road and Liverpool Street went before the planning and rights of way panel.

This was at the request of Bevois ward councillor Mike Denness, who felt the plan was overdevelopment of the site and out of keeping with the area.

Applicant Bagir Bazorov tabled the revised two-storey development after a three-storey five-flat proposal was refused by officers in January.

The amended application received 17 objections and 18 supporting submissions from residents.

Mr Bazorov told the panel that he acknowledged the concerns raised.

“The proposed two-storey building has been designed to blend seamlessly with the existing residential environment,” he said.

The applicant added: “The development is car-free, recognising the excellent accessibility and public transport and parking controls.

“The site is within walking distance of the city centre and public transport routes, reducing the need for personal vehicles. Moreover, residents of the new flats will not be entitled to apply for parking permits mitigating any additional parking pressures on local parking.”

The panel heard the on-street parking around the site is for permit holders only.

Mr Bazorov said: “This development will transform the current unused grass area, which is not accessible to the public, into much-needed housing.”

Members of the planning and rights of way panel approved the application with conditions at a meeting last week.

The development land was formerly connected to the synagogue site which it is adjacent to. It has been sub-dived and sold off, so it is no longer connected to the synagogue.