Blake Morgan law firm has raised a sum of £1,190 for the Winchester-based charity Friends of the Family.

The funds were raised through an annual quiz night, hosted on May 23 by the Family Law team and attended by local law firms and barristers.

Ticket sales from the event raised £690.

Friends of the Family is dedicated to helping families and children encountering life challenges, providing services such as counselling and support groups for both parents and children aged between 5 to 13.

The charity also conducts after-school workshops and activities during school holidays.

Apart from the quiz night, a further £500 was donated to the charity through the Blake Morgan Chair's Charity Pot, a scheme designed to enhance the fundraising efforts of the firm’s staff.

In the previous financial year, the Chair’s Charity Pot had added an extra £5,700 to the firm's charitable donations.

Blake Morgan has five regional offices, each supporting a local charity partner. This year, the Southampton office is also raising funds for Ben Pavitt's Legacy of Love Fund.

This fund donates to the Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group in honour of local school pupil Ben Pavitt.

Tragically, Ben passed away at 16 from lymphoma.

Jennifer Williamson, partner at Blake Morgan, said: "All of the charities that we champion at Blake Morgan do exceptional work for important causes and Friends of the Family is a prime example of this.

"We feel privileged to have had the opportunity to partner with this wonderful charity and to support the valuable services they offer to local families in Winchester. Our quiz night, which the Family Law team hosts every year, was a great success, with colleagues and businesses from around Southampton getting together to raise money and put our pub quiz knowledge to the test!"