It does amaze me how many people still harp on about the Liberal Democrats going into coalition with David Cameron’s Conservatives.

It was that, or Gordon Brown and his Labour Party. Nick Clegg and his colleagues did keep a check on the Conservatives whilst in Government.

As for the tuition fees policy, that could not be got through as the Conservatives were not in favour, and it was Labour who introduced them.

And yet we are still having readers’ comments that the Lib/Dems failed. As it happens, it was a non-starter. The policy was only if they, the Liberal Democrats, formed the Government. Remember the European Referendum debates when Cameron and Brown said they ‘agree with Nick’.

Once the referendum result came in, all of a sudden, nobody agreed with Nick. Where are we now?

Brexit has been a disaster. The Brexiteers jump up and down when we Remainers simply point that out, calling us losers.

The reality is, you the voter, were lied to. They got their Brexit and now have no idea what to do with it. The right-wingers want to bring down the EU and that will allow wars between those countries once again, just as Putin wants.

We (Great Britain) fought two world wars to end up with nothing. You have a General Election very soon.

Do please go out and vote. Otherwise, another Conservative or Labour Government will not make us great again.

Reform are, as Farage does, wreckers. Who is funding Nigel?

Grant Burley