Staff and students at Oasis Academy Mayfield are celebrating a significant improvement in its Ofsted rating.

The site in Ashley Crescent, Southampton, has been rated "Good" in all areas after a two-day inspection carried out in April.

Following a previous inspection in 2020, Ofsted said the school required improvement.

The latest report says: "Pupils demonstrate the school’s values of being proud, kind, and determined. They are taught what these values mean and how to behave in line with them.

Oasis Academy Mayfield has been rated 'Good' in all areas by OfstedOasis Academy Mayfield has been rated 'Good' in all areas by Ofsted (Image: Newsquest)

"Lessons are very rarely disrupted by poor behaviour, and pupils are motivated to work hard.

"Pupils benefit from a new, ambitious curriculum. Although they have not achieved as highly as they could have done in the past, pupils are now making good progress through the curriculum."

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The report says pupils can confidently discuss what they have learned and produce high-quality work.

Oasis Academy Mayfield has been rated 'Good' in all area by OfstedOasis Academy Mayfield has been rated 'Good' in all area by Ofsted (Image: Muga-UK Ltd)

It adds: "Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are very well supported in lessons and take advantage of everything the school offers.

"The school provides pupils with many well-planned experiences to enrich their lives and broaden their horizons.

"The school also plays a strong role in the wider community through the Oasis Community Hub. This performs an important role in supporting the school’s most disadvantaged pupils and helping them to succeed.

"Recent changes to the curriculum put the English Baccalaureate at its heart and almost all pupils now take the subjects that make this up."

Ofsted also praises the support provided to pupils who struggle to read: "Their needs are quickly identified and there is then a range of help put in place to help meet those needs.

"This is helping pupils to read with confidence.

"There is a similar strength in the approach to providing pupils with SEND with a rapid diagnosis of any barriers to learning. Effective adjustments are then made in the classroom."

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The report says teaching in most lessons is "very strong".

It adds: "Pupils’ behaviour is usually very good. When pupils struggle to behave, there is support put in place to help them get it right in the future.

"Most pupils also demonstrate very positive attitudes towards their learning. They are motivated to do well and act accordingly."

The principal, Claire Taylor, said: "We could not have achieved these improvements without the backing of parents and the continued hard work and enthusiasm of our staff and students."