Election candidates have had their say on how they’d improve Southampton’s transport and travel links if elected on July 4.

The city has been plagued with road works in recent years with current improvements taking place on the city centre ring road, Redbridge Causeway and M27.

Twinned with rising rail and fuel prices, it has become harder for some to get around the city.

Cyclist, Lyn Brayshaw told the Echo that "although Southampton City Council has been bold with some schemes there are still schemes being planned that encourage vehicle use".

"Bus lanes and safer segregated cycle routes are needed instead, in order for people to choose alternatives to private cars.

"We mustn't forget that a third of people in Southampton do not have access to a car - and the number of people choosing alternatives needs to increase."

She has recently written to Southampton Itchen Labour candidate, Satvir Kaur to ask her to pledge to increasing investment in active travel, producing an integrated transport strategy and improving the planning system.

But now the election candidates standing in Southampton Test have had their say on what changes they plan to make it successful.

Wajahat Shaukat (Workers Party)

I will prioritise investing in our public transport infrastructure to ensure it is efficient, reliable, and affordable.

We will work on expanding bus routes, increasing frequency, and improving facilities to make public transport a convenient option.

To tackle high rail prices, I will advocate for fare subsidies and work towards bringing rail services back into public ownership to ensure they are run for public benefit, not profit.

We will also invest in modernising rail infrastructure to improve reliability and reduce delays.

Regarding roadworks, I will push for better planning and coordination between agencies to minimise disruption.

This includes implementing stricter timelines and ensuring roadworks are completed promptly, especially on critical routes like the M27 and Redbridge Causeway.

I am committed to promoting sustainable travel options.

This includes expanding cycling lanes, improving pedestrian pathways, and investing in electric bus fleets.

We will also introduce incentives for residents to use eco-friendly transport.

Thomas Gravatt (Lib Dem)

Thomas Gravatt of the Liberal DemocratsThomas Gravatt of the Liberal Democrats (Image: Stuart Martin)

Transport in Southampton needs urgent attention.

In recent years, the Labour-run council’s changes to transport have been piecemeal rather than joined-up – we need real action to make transport work across our region.

Southampton Liberal Democrats have ambitious plans to achieve this.

Firstly, we would introduce a proper park-and-ride system to help reduce congestion in the city.

Secondly, we would look into implementing a tram network for the city – Southampton used to have trams, and they would really help to improve public transport here.

As the MP for Southampton Test, I would also call for cheaper fares, simplified ticketing, and a more integrated approach to travel.

In addition, the Liberal Democrats would aim to make it cheaper and easier for drivers to switch to electric vehicles, give more power to local authorities to improve public transport, and provide councils with more budget for road and pavement repairs.

Maggie Fricker (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)

Maggie FrickerMaggie Fricker (Image: Supplied)

Southampton is home and I love living in this city, but its not easy living here. We have some of the poorest air quality in the country.

We try to be environmentally friendly, but the big pollution comes from huge companies, whose only concern is maximising their profits.

We are a coalition to bring people together to fight for the resources this city needs, campaigning against the cut to our services and demanding the return of the £500 million stolen from the city by the Tories.

We are committed to renationalising all rail, bus and ferry services to build an integrated, low-pollution public transport system, providing low-cost travel.

We want services where they are needed, so people are not isolated or feel unsafe travelling home late at night.

And let’s have our own public works department, with decent rates of pay, to coordinate maintenance on our roads and end the chaos.

Katherine Barbour (Green)

Katherine Jane Barbour of the Green PartyKatherine Jane Barbour of the Green Party (Image: Chris Moorhouse)

Park and Ride needs to be installed on the north side of the city.

There is a need for bus lanes along the major routes into the city to speed up the reliability of buses.

I would lobby for the railways to be brought back into public control as they are in France and Germany.

Roadworks are a feature of roads wearing out. This is caused by lorries, cars and vans using the roads.

This is an inevitable consequence of roads being used. More work on the roads could be done at night.

Walking, scooting and cycling are good ways of getting around the city and are healthier.

The Green Party encourages this and the infrastructure needs to be in place for people to feel safe when using these means.

Southampton Green Party campaigned for £1 bus fares across the city last year and we welcome the evening fares of £1.

Ben Burcombe-Filer (Conservative)

Ben Burcombe-Filer from the ConservativesBen Burcombe-Filer from the Conservatives (Image: Supplied)

If elected I will put the views of the people first. Projects such as the Portswood Broadway and Millbrook bus lanes are being forced through by Labour, with residents' views and suggestions being sidelined.

By contrast, the Conservative party helped deliver 0 emission busses to Southampton and the bus fare cap.

I work to secure funding to allow increased frequency and routes at our railway stations, as well as drive forward the water taxi scheme, to deliver cheaper, better and more sustainable transport for Southampton.

Southampton ranks in the bottom 10% nationally for roads. I will fight to secure funding to fix Labour‘s mess, and back drivers so they never fear a pay-per-mile system like that being mooted in Labour-run London.

The Conservative party will deliver a cross-solent transport review. I will be a strong advocate for local people in that review to drive down train fares.

Satvir Kaur (Labour) 

Labour's Satvir KaurLabour's Satvir Kaur (Image: Chris Moorhouse)

After 14 years of Conservative failure, it’s a struggle to get around.

This is either due to crumbling roads, because councils are chronically underfunded, or the fact that our public transport is not fit for purpose.

Labour’s bold and fully funded plans include giving local communities power over their local transport infrastructure. From fairer funding to councils to extra investment to fix potholes and roads, to the ability to ensure every neighbourhood has access to buses.

More people would also use rail if it was affordable and reliable. That’s why Labour will bring rail operators back into public ownership so that the millions currently being paid to shareholders for poor services, can be instead reinvested back into our railways.

In Southampton for example, I would like to see cheaper and better services.

As a coastal city, I would like to also see river buses being introduced.

If elected, I will fight for better transport links and infrastructure.

John Edwards (Reform UK)

John Peter Edwards - Reform UK candidate in Southampton TestJohn Peter Edwards - Reform UK candidate in Southampton Test (Image: Supplied)

If elected, I would work hard to improve travelling in the city.

These would include extending the travel card to a wider area. Travel by car in the city is being hampered by the Labour Council's anti car measures and prolific roadworks.

Local trades people whose daily schedule takes them to customers in different parts of the city, are finding it increasingly difficult to negotiate their way around the city.

If we are to entice people to leave their cars at home, in favour of public transport, then an a affordable and reliable bus and rail service has to be in place.

Roadworks at this time are seen to be 'haphazard and unplanned'. I share the opinion that the city needs a new contractor in place.

Regarding Redbridge flyover/causeway where annual remedial works/maintenance seem to be in an everlasting cycle. It is my opinion that this section of the highway infrastructure is in need of replacement/reconstruction.