A man has been arrested after being caught red-handed in a suspected drug deal.

Police officers patrolling the Polygon area of Southampton were completing "one last lap" on Monday evening before completing their shift when they noticed the what they suspected was a drug deal.

They searched both men and found one with cash and the other with six deal bags of cannabis and a phone.

They said they had earlier spotted a "suspicious" male wearing a balaclava and hood on an electric bike in Sandhurst Road who appeared to met with someone.

A spokesperson for Southampton Police said the person's clothing was "slightly strange given the sunny 21 degree weather the city was enjoying".

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They added: "A Southampton man was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply class B drugs. He remains with us in custody for questioning and other enquiries.

"The last two days have resulted in large quantities of drugs being taken off the streets of the Polygon.

"This is just the start and the message is clear. Those who wish to spoil the areas for residents and commit crime in the Polygon and across Bargate will be prosecuted by our officers."