"Extremely urgent work" to replace a crumbling sea wall on a Hampshire beach could be set to take place. 

An application has been made for planning permission to replace the sea wall at 5 Netley Cliff, Victoria Road, Netley. 

Photos submitted with the application show the existing metal barrier has eroded away, causing holes and allowing the ground behind to fall away. 

The wall sits directly beneath apartments at Netley Cliff and has "deteriorated significantly" since 2020 according to planners.

Residents stressed the urgency of the plans to the council.

One, Derek Ide, said: "This is extremely urgent work to protect the environment and property.

"Any delay will result in loss of trees and habitat as the cliff face is washed away.

The existing sea wall at Netley Cliff. The existing sea wall at Netley Cliff. (Image: Constructex on behalf of Atkinson/EBC planning portal)

"Birds do not nest on this beach area and dog walkers discourage wading birds from feeding at low tide."

Under new proposals, the existing sheet pile wall would be replaced with a like-for-like product to protect the shoreline. 

The new structure would be approximately 60 metres long and slightly taller in order to match the adjacent wall height of Netley Cliff Sailing Club. 

It would be placed in front of the current structure. 

In documents submitted to Eastleigh Borough Council, the developer states: "The existing wall, which retains the slope beneath the Netley Cliff apartments is structurally compromised, with soil washout occurring during tidal cycles. 

"The proposed replacement of the sheet pile wall at Netley Cliff addresses an urgent structural issue while respecting the site's environmental and visual context."

The latest plans follow numerous applications for coastal defences in recent years including a wall at Ferrymans Quay, installed by the council in 2013. 

Private residences also funded similar projects to support extensions at Chalcot in 2022 with Hampshire County Council currently proposing emergency sea wall repair works at Royal Victoria Country Park. 

READ MORE: Government responds to concerns over Warsash sea defences

Planners said: "The persistent issue of coastal erosion in the area underscores the importance of this application to protect the cliff face from further deterioration."

In recent years, sections of the slope have been washed away with large failures occasionally occurring, particularly during winter months.

The application, made by "Atkinson", was submitted on June 3 and a public consultation is currently underway until July 4. 

A decision is expected to be made on August 5.