I am a 70 year old man on a state pension who has worked all my life in engineering after serving an apprenticeship as a toolmaker.

I have no alliance with any political party and have voted for various parties over my lifetime.

I have been watching coverage by the BBC on the election. I have been amazed that this has not mentioned the elephant in the room.

Send your letters in via letters@dailyecho.co.uk including your name and address.

The Westminster bubble over the years I have seen this grow out of all proportion and is no longer sustainable.

The cost is astronomical with MPs now on £92k a year plus expenses ,the overcrowded lord claiming £300 per day, the inflated civil service salaries and golden pensions and the various quangos.

With this in mind it would interesting to find out what percentage of GDP is spent on this bubble.

I call it a bubble because they have lost touch with common people.

Over my lifetime I have seen standards fall in politics honesty has disappeared with integrity and morality.

Over the last 30 years since the bubble aligned its self with corporate mantra it's got far worse.

All parties state we need to build thousands of houses over the parliament.

However nobody's asked the question if you do this with out doing something about a water industry that drained the people dry. The result will be more pollution.

Also they talk about immigration - the reason we need more housing is to satisfy uncontrolled immigration.

I worry about my grandchildren's future. The question would be when is the Westminster bubble going to stop local councils giving immigration priority?

I have seen the NHS being privatised over this time with the work being contracted out to private companies, supplying staff, and the majority of equipment and servicing of equipment.

The waiting lists have increased again. The question I have is why does the same doctor perform an operation in a year on the NHS but will do it in two weeks privately?

We have a gambling epidemic in this country that cost the NHS millions of pounds. When is the Westminster bubble going to bring back the gambling tax?

I fear that the Westminster bubble has been trying to turn Great Britain into little America full up with immigrants and only private healthcare.

The turn out for the election will probably be about 30 per cent which means seventy per cent of people have no confidence in the Westminster bubble.

My question would be: what are you going to do about it?

I have still not decided who I will vote for.

M Wilson
