A nurse who allegedly sent intimate pictures to a colleague has been struck off after a panel found his actions fell "significantly short" of standards.

Lee Rennie was referred to the Nursing and Midwifery Council after reports that he had sent sexually explicit messages to four female colleagues, who were more junior than he was, while working as a nurse at Fryers House, in Romsey.

According to a committee report, in one instance a panel found he sought a sexual interaction with a colleague and sent sexual messages, followed by what is alleged to be a intimate images of himself and other “pornographic images”.

While giving evidence, Mr Rennie said he was drunk, that his actions were “stupid” and he thought he was flirting.

He was sacked from the home in May 2022 and has now been struck off.

Fryers House, Oakleigh GardensFryers House, Oakleigh Gardens (Image: Google Maps)

Mr Rennie admitted he sent messages of a sexual nature to four colleagues on or around February and March 2022, the report said.

In another instance, the panel found there was no other motivation for sending the “provocative messages” other than for sexual pleasure.

The report said: “You used provocative language and the panel determined that there is no other obvious motivation other than seeking sexual gratification.

“Although the conversation was shut down by Colleague D, it was initiated by a sexual motivation from you given the nature of the language.

“The panel further determined that it would have developed further if it had not been shut down by Colleague D.”

The panel concluded that Mr Rennie abused his position of power and presented a lack of insight.

The report said: “The panel was of the view that your actions did fall significantly short of the standards expected of a registered nurse, and that your actions amounted to a breach of the Code.

“The panel determined that your actions are shocking and caused a sense of harassment of a sexual nature, alongside discomfort for your colleagues.

“The panel took note of the fact that you were senior to your colleagues within the workplace, and although these charges are not matters relating to work, this is an important consideration.”