A schoolboy who beat a rare blood cancer is celebrating his birthday by taking part in Race for Life.

Jasper Johnson will mark turning nine on Saturday by getting stuck in the mud.

The youngster from Colden Common will tackle the Pretty Muddy course at Southampton Common to mark reaching an age he feared he might not see.

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Jasper was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma at the age of six and underwent surgery and chemotherapy to come out the other side.

He is now excited to take on a new challenge and help other people.

Jasper said: “I really didn’t like having cancer so I can’t imagine what it might feel like for other people.

“I’m doing it for other people who are sick with cancer because this is one way we can help save people by raising money to find new medicines.”

Cancer survivor Jasper Johnson will celebrate his 9th birthday by taking part in Pretty Muddy to raise money for life-saving researchCancer survivor Jasper Johnson will celebrate his 9th birthday by taking part in Pretty Muddy to raise money for life-saving research (Image: CRUK)

Brenda, Jasper’s mum, can remember the day he was diagnosed after enduring months of stomach problems.

She said: “It’s surreal because when you have that diagnosis and that uncertainty you don’t know if you’re going to see the next birthday.

“But thankfully there was a suitable, effective treatment for Jasper and we’ve since celebrated birthday number seven, eight and now nine.

“Having been through cancer, we’ve learnt life is for living and having fun and by doing Race for Life and Pretty Muddy, we’re achieving both of those things. We’re helping others by funding research, raising awareness and having fun.

“This year his story is in the Pretty Muddy Kids race packs so he’s inspiring every child taking part across the UK, including many of his friends and family who will be at Southampton Race for Life this weekend.”

Jasper will be joined by more than 2,700 people taking part in Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life events on Southampton Common.

Cancer Research UK spent over £4 million on research in Southampton last year.

Elisa Mitchell, from Cancer Research, said: “We are grateful to Jasper for spending his birthday enjoying our muddy obstacle course to help others like him.  

“We’d love for as many people as possible across the city to join him to help raise funds for life-saving research and wish Jasper ‘Happy Birthday’ along the way.”