Police have issued an update after a group of travellers set up camp on a popular green space. 

Officers have been working with partners in the council in response to the unauthorised encampment at Freemantle Common. 

Travellers arrived at the site yesterday evening (Tuesday, June 18)

It was reported that damage had been caused to a lock in order to gain access. 

Police have today used Section 61 powers to direct individuals to leave the land. 

READ MORE: Travellers set up camp on Freemantle Common, Southampton

Under the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, officers also have the authority to order the removal of any vehicles or property. 

Failure to comply is a criminal offence. 

Southampton Chief Inspector Chris Douglas said: “We will always ensure that we balance the needs and rights of all our communities with actions that are proportionate, lawful and necessary. 

“We work closely with landowners and our partners to ensure that a robust approach is taken against unauthorised encampments within legal parameters. 

“Our partnership work also seeks to identify repeat locations where there has been criminality or disorder in order to target harden these sites.” 

The Section 61 powers can be considered if communities are deprived of local amenities or if there has been a significant impact on the environment.

They can also be used if there is disruption to the local economy or if there is a danger to life where there is a need to take preventative action.