A West End primary school has been praised by Ofsted for having an ‘ambitious’ curriculum.

St James CE Primary School was rated Good by the regulator during an inspection on April 30 and May 1.

The school on Moorgreen Road was rated by inspectors as ‘Outstanding’ on behaviour and attitudes and personal development while leadership, management and early years provision were rated ‘Good’.

The report highlights that pupils are confident at school and conduct themselves in a positive way.

St James' CE Primary School in West End has received a new Ofsted ratingSt James' CE Primary School in West End has received a new Ofsted rating

The report said: “Pupils are confident, resilient and caring. They conduct themselves impeccably and are rightly proud of their school.

“Pupils feel able to navigate their lives courageously. One pupil summarised this, describing school and life by saying, ‘We all work together and build the strength to ride the waves of the ocean.’

“The school’s values of love, respect and courage are known and understood deeply by pupils and staff.”

Staff as well as the curriculum were praised in the report.

It said: “Across the curriculum, the school is highly ambitious for every pupil. The school works tenaciously to support disadvantaged pupils, including pupils with SEND.

“This is reflected through thoughtful adaptations to the curriculum where needed. In some subjects, such as mathematics and geography, the curriculum equips pupils with key knowledge and skills clearly.

“Teachers implement sequences of lessons systematically. This helps pupils to build their learning cumulatively over time”

It added: “Teachers implement sequences of lessons systematically. This helps pupils to build their learning cumulatively over time. Work in books for these subjects shows that learning is consistent and secure.”

The report said that governors had an “ambitious vision and know the school incredibly well”.

The report added: “They work closely and engage with staff excellently, offering high-quality challenge and support. Leaders are highly skilled.

“They support staff very well with issues such as workload and well-being. Parents are overwhelmingly supportive and appreciate the efforts of all staff at the school.”