A MAN from Southampton has been ordered to pay more than £3,500 after fly-tipping a tyre in Romsey

A covert camera placed at a fly-tipping hotspot caught Justin Conroy, 54, driving into an empty layby on June 23 last year. 

He was seen removing a tyre from the back of the vehicle, rolling it into the bushes nearby and then leaving the scene. 

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Conroy, of Luccombe Road, was identified. He claimed that he had a puncture and had left the tyre behind by mistake.

Appearing at Southampton Magistrates' Court, Conroy admitted the offence and was given a fine of £2,048 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £819 and costs of £658.25.

Paul Wykes, head of environmental services at Test Valley Borough Council, said: “Our teams work incredibly hard to keep the borough as clean as possible and there is never an excuse for dumping your waste illegally.

"Clearing fly-tips takes up valuable time, money and resources and it is entirely unacceptable.”

People can report fly-tips to TVBC at testvalley.gov.uk/fly-tipping