Controversial plans for up to 52 new homes in Eastleigh have taken a step closer to being made a reality.

Plans for homes in Allbrook Way, Eastleigh, were initially considered by councillors in 2021.

But now outline planning permission has been agreed by Eastleigh Borough Council.

It means the applicant Cranbury Estates Limited now needs to come back with detailed plans.

Cranbury originally wanted to build 59 homes but agreed to reduce this figure.

A children's play area has now also been added to the plans.

The plans have seen opposition from residents with many concerned about wildlife.

Others are worried the area cannot cope with extra pressure on public services.

Resident Nancy Palmer said: “This application continues to fall short in many areas.

“The number of 2 and 3-bed homes has been increased. This will mean even more children in local schools. Can they cope?

“The hard landscaping is only identified as tarmac. Is this acceptable? Surely some surfaces should be porous.”

Another resident, Geoffrey Small, said: “The wildlife will suffer once they leave and there is nowhere for them to go they are lost forever.

“There has been enough building, particularly of large houses in the Allbrook area. Not good for first-time buyers. There soon will be no countryside left in this area.”

Meanwhile, Jane Hill said: “I thought this was an essential gap between 'settlements'.

“There is a lot of wildlife in this area, don't people watch TV or read information about the threat to wildlife here and in our country?

"I believe a traffic survey was done but at a particular time when people could have been away on holiday.

“If you drive up around Knowle Hill at rush hour the backlog of traffic is dreadful.

“People usually have at least two cars in a family, and they will need them there, as the local Primary school is quite a distance. It is very sad that greed takes priority these days.”

The outline permission approved the access to the site - with all other aspects set to be approved at a later date.