Here are the latest Ofsted ratings given to schools in Southampton.

The education watchdog, the Office for Standards in Education, visits schools to review performance, assessing anything from the quality of teaching to pupil behaviour.

At the end of their visit, the inspectors produce a report and give the school one of four ratings: outstanding, good, requires improvement and inadequate.

These were the latest schools given their Ofsted ratings in Southampton, according to the government website.

Bitterne Park School - Good

The school on Dimond Road was given the 'Good' rating on all counts, including quality of education, behaviour attitude and personal development after an inspection on May 8 and 9.

The report said: "Pupils, including those in the sixth form, describe the school as a ‘close community’ where ‘teachers really care for us’.

"Pupils feel happy and safe because they know that staff listen and help when they have concerns."

St James CE Primary School - Good

St James CE Primary School was rated Good by the regulator during an inspection on April 30 and May 1.

The school on Moorgreen Road was rated by inspectors as ‘Outstanding’ on behaviour and attitudes and personal development while leadership, management and early years provision were rated ‘Good’.

The report highlights that pupils are confident at school and conduct themselves in a positive way.

Banister Primary School - Good

Although subject to a non-graded inspection on April 23 and 24, the school was said to "continue to be a good school" by Ofsted

The report highlighted that "Pupils thrive in this caring and nurturing school. The above-average proportions of pupils who are disadvantaged are supported well.

"Staff have high aspirations for all pupils to achieve their very best, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and the high numbers of pupils who speak English as an additional language."

Cantell School - Outstanding

Cantell School, on Violet Road in Bassett, was given the new rating after an inspection on March 26 and 27.

During this, inspectors found pupils “thrive” in the “diverse and inclusive school”.

This was the first time the secondary school was given the top rating by the schools' watchdog, being judged outstanding in all areas of the report.

Ludlow Infant Academy - Good

Although subject to an ungraded inspection on March 19 and 20, the school on Ludlow Road was said to be a school where "pupils are put at the heart of" where "leaders insist on getting it right for every child".

Pupils were described as "happy, confident, [who] feel safe".

Oasis Academy Mayfield - Good

The school on Ashley Crescent, Southampton, has been rated "Good" in all areas after a two-day inspection carried out in April.

Following a previous inspection in 2020, Ofsted said the school required improvement.

The latest report says: "Pupils demonstrate the school’s values of being proud, kind, and determined. They are taught what these values mean and how to behave in line with them."