A hairdresser has celebrated the opening of her salon having travelled thousands of miles from her hometown to start afresh in Southampton.

Tanya Janker was given the reins of E’Clips hair studio in West End one year ago, and has since overseen an ambitious redesign.

The salon’s relaunch was celebrated with a cocktail evening on Friday, and Tanya says she is “loving” her salon.

She has praised her “talented” stylists and says “we welcome everyone” at her pride and joy.

Tanya Janker outside E'ClipsTanya Jonker outside E'Clips (Image: Newsquest)

The 54-year-old took the plunge and moved away from her home of South Africa with the hope of starting afresh and living closer to her only child.

She had her own salon in her home country for 23 years, which prompted her search for her own place in Southampton.

She said: “My family and I have been trying to get into the country for numerous years now.

“It was hard to have my son here while I was in South Africa, which is quite dangerous at the moment.

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“I had my own salon there for 23 years so decided to look for my own place in Southampton.

“I found E’Clips and thought it was a good size, and the space offers free parking.

“One year since taking over, I am loving my salon.

“I have lots of talented stylists – some I inherited and have been here since it first opened - so it was meant to be.”

Tanya has made her mark on the salon with help from her son, who redesigned it.

“Slowly but surely, we have transitioned – online and in person – to a modern salon”, she added.

Although the style has changed, Tanya’s ethos as a hairdresser remains the same – everyone is welcome.

She said: “We welcome everyone – teenage girls, ladies, senior citizens. I want us to be established as a family salon.

“With this celebration evening, I want to thank everyone for their support.”