A man has been banned from attending football matches for five years after assaulting two police officers at Saints' clash with Millwall. 

Pawel Imielinski pleaded guilty to two counts of assault by beating of an emergency worker after the match in February this year. 

Southampton Magistrates' Court heard how he attacked two police constables while in the city for the match. 

Hampshire Constabulary previously alleged how he punched one officer and spat at the other after the game. 

READ MORE: Children hit by objects in Saints vs Millwall match disorder

Imielinski, 42, of Elm Road, Croydon received a five-year football banning order stopping him from attending any matches. 

He also received a three-month prison sentence suspended for 18 months.

Magistrates concluded that the offences are "so serious that only a custodial sentence can be justified". 

Imielinski must attend up to 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days and complete up to 200 hours of unpaid work in the next 12 months. 

He was also ordered to pay £200 compensation to each officer. 

He was sentenced in May after pleading guilty to the offences on March 21. 

Saints V Millwall on February 24, 2024. Saints V Millwall on February 24, 2024. (Image: Stuart Martin)

Played at St Mary's on February 24, Saints lost 2-1 with first-half goals from Zian Flemming, Japhet Tanganga and Che Adams deciding the contest. 

The match prompted police to launch an appeal for witnesses following a number of incidents during and after the game. 

The force said two boys, aged nine and eleven, were hit with objects hurled by fans. 

Another man was also arrested after the game after a brick was seen to be thrown at another person on New Road. 

Match Commander, Superintendent Mark Lewis said the vast majority of fans behaved "responsibly and respectfully". 

He added however: "There were, however, a minority contingent of fans from both clubs who sought to engage in violence after the match."

Police put in place a number of resources throughout the city over the course of the day using tactics to mitigate risk.