Residents living next to an alley full of fly tipped rubbish are at their wits end - with parents reportedly being forced to push their children's buggies through filth.

Those living on Berkeley Road and Burton Road in The Polygon have been faced with mattresses, shopping trolleys and bin liners brimming with waste in the path connecting their roads.

They say the issue have been going on for months and no one is claiming responsibility.

READ MORE: Flytipping left dumped for years outside Southampton house

Mum Gabby Singh had enough of seeing parents pushing pushchairs through the piles of rubbish - so reported it to the city council.

Flytipping down the alleyway (Image: Gabby Singh) But she says she was told that the alley was private land and not their responsibility.

The Berkeley Road resident said: “They want us to walk to the city centre and not take our cars but you’re walking through rubbish with mattresses and needles left on the road.

“People start littering and then that leads to other forms of anti-social behaviour like people dragging their mattress onto the road."

Fly tipping on the roadFly tipping on the road (Image: Gabby Singh) Janice Coyle, 59, who lives on Burton Road, said the issue always seemed to be worse in the summer, with furniture often being dumped.

She said: "When people start putting rubbish here then everyone else piles up theirs as well.

"I came back from the shop today and I almost threw up. There were so many flies it was disgusting."

A spokesperson from Southampton City Council said: “The council is responsible for clearing waste that is fly-tipped on public land. Fly-tipping issues on private property needs to be resolved by the land owner or occupier.

"The council is able to provide a chargeable removal and disposal service to help landowners, landlords and businesses get litter and fly-tipping removed quickly and effectively from their land, and can also assist with some fly-tipping issues at publicly accessible private sites where hazardous waste is present. 

“Residents that have evidence that may help identify the perpetrators of fly-tipping, whether on public or private land, are requested to report this online." 

The council is due to visit the alley.