A Southampton Premier store has lost its licence after two people were sentenced for shoplifting at another business.

Police say Premier on St Mary's Street lost its alcohol licence after chocolate and coffee were taken from Sainsbury's in Bedford Place on April 9.

Mark Coffin, 38, of Ascupart Street; Craig Samual Griffiths, 34, of Westridge Road, were spotted on CCTV fleeing to the Premier Store.

They were arrested at the shop, sparking an investigation.

Officers have since made multiple visits to the Premier and Sainsbury's stores, working with Trading Standards and licencing teams from the city council. 

Coffin admitted shoplifting at court and handed a six-month community order. He must pay a victim surcharge.

Griffiths was charged with four thefts from a shop and jailed for four weeks in prison.

He must pay £148 in compensation.

A 37-year-old man from London was given a conditional caution for handling stolen goods.

READ MORE: CCTV image released in Lymington shoplifting investigation

PC Ryland Painter said: “It is clear to us from our engagement with residents that shoplifting has a massive impact on local businesses, staff and customers.

“It is not acceptable that repeat shoplifters continue to profit from these crimes while causing misery and harm to shop staff and customers who have to deal with their offending daily.

“Our message is clear – shoplifting and this kind of behaviour will not be tolerated here in Southampton.

“We take reports like this extremely seriously and will do all we can to bring offenders to justice.”

READ MORE: Appeal as police investigate Tesco Dibden shoplifting

Sergeant Carl Peverill leads Southampton's City Centre Unit which is dedicated to tackling shoplifting and associated crime in the city centre. 

He added: "I hope that these sentences send a strong message to those who continue to steal in Southampton - if you continue to shoplift in the city then you will be dealt with robustly and we will do everything we can to put those causing harm to our communities before the courts.

"The city centre unit is committed to targeting those who repeatedly commit crime within Southampton’s stores.

"We have a zero tolerance for this type of offending, which makes the lives of shop staff who are simply trying to do their job a misery.

"We continue to work closely alongside key agencies and businesses in the city, including Go! Southampton and Southampton City Council, to ensure a strong partnership approach to tackling shoplifting.

"Since the city centre unit was formally launched in November 2023, we have had 539 formal outcomes taken against offenders, which includes 98 charges/summons to court and 90 out-of-court disposals.

"This work will not stop and we continue to focus our attention on those committing these offences."

If you have any information about shoplifting or related crime in your area you can contact police on 101 or submit reports online.