A traveller encampment has been moved from a Romsey sport pitch just one month after civic chiefs secured a High Court injunction.

The group pitched up on the cricket pitch at Romsey Rapids on Tuesday, June 25. 

Test Valley Borough Council secured the injunction order in May and it covers 17 square miles, encompassing the Alma Road car park in Romsey, Romsey Rapids and the Nursling and Rownhams hall and recreation ground.

It prohibits a list of named individuals as well as ‘persons unknown’ from setting up unauthorised encampments within the defined areas and includes the power to arrest those who breach the order. 

Romsey Rapids gate (Image: Facebook)

In a Facebook post, council leader Phil North said: “Test Valley Borough Council was notified of an unauthorised traveller encampment that had gained access to a cricket pitch at Romsey Sports Centre.

"In an early success for the extended injunction order we gained from the High Court last month, Hampshire Constabulary attended almost immediately... warning the occupants that they would be arrested if they didn’t swiftly move on. 

“Consequently, I’m pleased to report that the encampment was gone within a matter of hours, rather than the days it would have taken if we had to go through the process of gaining a specific court order.

"Enabling the pitches to continue to be used for their primary purpose much faster than would otherwise have been the case.”

Cllr North added: “Our injunction was obtained due to a repeated history of intolerable behaviour related to unauthorised encampments in Test Valley with the vast majority of them including some form of fly-tipping, the dumping of human waste, damage, nuisance, animal cruelty or intimidating or antisocial behaviour. 

“I’m clear that unauthorised traveller encampments won’t be tolerated in Test Valley and my thanks go to council officers and the police for acting so quickly to remove this one today.”