It was the plaice to be for local fishermen of the time.

Sea anglers were eager to get in the publication in 1982 and show off their latest and greatest catch.

During a time when mullet hairstyles were all the rage, another type of mullet was making waves - the fish mullet.

(Image: Echo)

Andy Moxon, a skilled angler from Eastleigh Rodbenders, had a remarkable year reeling in some impressive mullet fish at Southampton Docks.

Among his notable catches were two mullet weighing 4lb 12½oz and 4lb 1oz.

The abundance of cod and other fish in the Solent was evident as demonstrated by the trio of anglers from the Hardley and District Sea Angling Club - David Skeggs, Lee Jones, and Nick Sutcliffe.

(Image: Echo)

The scales were struggling under the weight of the bumper catch hauled in, boasting a variety of sea creatures such as conger eels, a sizable bass, a pair of thornback rays, a bull huss, and three large cod fish.

Miss Echo Linza D’Avanzo presented fishing competition winners with their prizes.

Geoff Ames reeled in the top spot with a 3lb 10¾oz bass, while Albert Andrews secured second place with a total of 4lb 7¼oz from two bass.

(Image: Echo)

In an unexpected turn of events that November, Bert Cooper, secretary of the Langley Tavern Sea Angling Club, reeled in a hefty 45lb tope, a fish typically associated with the summer months.