More than 400 runners took part in the Run the Runway event to raise money for Naomi House & Jacksplace.

The fundraising event, held at Solent Airport on June 23, saw the participants race a 5k-stretch on the runway, raising more than £7,000.

The proceeds will help fund the hospices for children and young adults.

A local family who benefits from the services of Naomi House & Jacksplace was present at the event.

The mum, Ruth along with siblings Gabi and Ezra, showed their support by starting the race and awarding runners with medals at the finish line.

Ruth, the mother of Ezra, spoke about their participation: "We came to support the Solent Airport 5k as Ezra is a service user of Naomi House.

"Ezra has complex medical needs, so we go to the hospice for respite visits.

"It has been lovely to be part of this event and see people out raising money for the hospices.

"Gabi blew the horn to start the race then both children clapped the runners over the line before giving them their medals."

She added, "Naomi House means so much to us as a family as I know my children will be cared for by amazing people.

"I can be myself whilst there and Gabi even says Naomi House is better than Peppa Pig World!"

Charlotte Patrick, events team leader at Naomi House & Jacksplace, said: "It was lovely to have Ruth, Ezra and Gabi join us for the morning and help hand out medals.

"We would also like to thank all of the runners who attended the Solent Airport 5k and helped to raise vital funds for Naomi House & Jacksplace."

Martyn Francis, airport manager at Solent Airport, commented on the success of the event: "It was an absolute pleasure that Solent Airport was able to support this now popular annual Naomi House & Jacksplace event.

"It has proven to be a great success, with new and returning runners, which provides a great opportunity to raise support for such a worthwhile charity.

"We look forward to welcoming the team back in 2025."