Southampton’s Spitfire Memorial should be a simulated ‘attack’ on the Bargate with three Spitfires ‘roaring’ down Above Bar thus bringing together two of Southampton’s iconic features.

The first Spitfire would be near the New Road junction.

READ MORE: Bid to move proposed Spitfire monument's location in Mayflower Park

The second by Pound Tree Road at the start of the precinct and just 20feet above head height.

The last one would be soaring skywards midway between West Quay entrance and the Bargate.

If funds allow, then a fourth one could be placed in Guildhall Square.

Maybe sound effects could be played at suitable intervals rather like the city centre clock!

As each Spitfire would be on a single pole the cost could be considerably less than the current proposal.

They would be seen by far more people than one at Mayflower Park and partly hidden by a block of flats.

I do hope Southampton City Council give serious consideration to this idea.

Idris Curtis Southampton