Plans to build four one-bedroom flats near a Southampton synagogue which were previously rejected have been given the green light.

The plans put forward in February this year include four new studio apartments with cycle storage, bin storage as well as landscaped amenity space on Mordaunt Road.

The site, currently just a grass field, used to be associated with the Southampton Hebrew Congregation synagogue but it has since been purchased.

The original application was rejected by the authority in January, with the council deciding that insufficient parking and the design of the building were grounds for the application to be turned down.

Many Southampton residents were also seemingly displeased with the original application, with it garnering a number of public objections online.

READ MORE: Planning bid for four flats in Mordaunt Road, Southampton

However, the new scaled-down application, which comprises four one-bedroom flats with rooftop solar panels, has now been shown some support from residents.

The plans have were given the go-ahead on June 7.

One resident said: “I wish more homes like this were available when I was younger.

“The floor plans themselves look nice, and I suspect that they will make some nice homes for young people in our city, which would perhaps allow them to move out of overcrowded accommodation in HMOs.

“I'm also pleased to see that it is being proposed as a zero-parking development.

Another resident said: “I have spoken to other neighbours and have no objections to the proposal.

“I live in the flat and unlike this development, mine doesn't offer the communal resident garden. Reading the report, there used to be another building there and something happened.

“The building is positioned well not blocking any light to anyone. I hope, instead of fenced of space, we finally see some more homes needed in Southampton.”

However, some remained unconvinced with one saying: "Given the position of the plot, the development will seriously compromise my and my neighbours' 'right to light'.

"The proposed flats on the upper floor will potentially overlook the upper floor windows of my house, including my bedroom and main bathroom.

"This is disturbing and unacceptable. They will also potentially have a direct line of sight into the flats on Mordaunt Road".