New Forest District Council is collaborating with local artists on an anti-litter sculpture.

Composed entirely of rubbish and recycled materials, the art hopes to instil litter responsibility and local pride.

Known as 'The Anthropogenic Nest,' it's part of council's ‘Look Out For Our Forest’ (LOFOF) project.

Artists Stephanie James and Vanessa Collingridge of SPUDworks showcased their work's progress on June 25 to NFDC representatives.

The local community is pitching in, collecting and disinfecting items like crisp packets and bottle tops to layer onto the sculpture's willow framework.

The completed piece will make its debut at the New Forest Show on the NFDC stand, and will visit other public spaces throughout the district afterwards.

Ms James said: "The idea behind the nest is really that it represents home. So it's meant to be protective, it’s meant to be nurturing. And the idea was that the Forest is our home, it's all the animals, all the wildlife it’s their home too and actually we need to look after it. We don't want to litter our own home so we shouldn't be littering anyone else’s home.

"The nest is called an anthropogenic nest, it’s effects that are caused by humans. And that is the whole purpose of the piece, to spark that intrigue. What does home mean to us, and what does anthropogenic mean. Getting people to look at it but also examine their own behaviours, how do they consider home, how do they treat their home and getting people to almost think twice about what they do with their litter, and what choices they make.

"Though the sculpture will degrade, the litter will remain for long after and there will be a further message about litter responsibility with that."