Southampton-based waste management company Biffa Waste Services has donated £780 to Young Lives vs Cancer.

The organisation supports children and young people with cancer and their families by providing emotional, and financial support and accommodation near hospitals.

Biffa chose the charity as their selected charity for 2024/2025.

Mike Wood, depot manager for Biffa, was driven to fundraise after learning about the significant impact that Young Lives vs Cancer has. His team's donation was presented in the form of a cheque.

Mike said: “After hearing about the work that Young Lives vs Cancer do last year, I nominated that they were chosen at my workplace as our 2023/2024 charity of the year to support.

“We have been able to donate £780, linked to Southampton Depots LTI bonus (lost time injury). The company donates for every day that there isn’t a day where time is lost due to injury. There has been no time lost, due to injury in Southampton, hence the generous donation.”