The 2024 General Election is almost here and households across Southampton will be considering how to vote for.

On a national level, Rishi Sunak will be hoping to maintain the current majority that the Conservative Party has in Parliament while Sir Keir Starmer is looking to have Labour leading the Government for the first time since 2010.

Tens of thousands of people are expected to go to the polls in the Southampton area based on voter turnout from the last general election in 2019.

Overall, there will be more than 70 polling stations in operation across the Southampton Test and Southampton Itchen seats, and each voter will have a specific one they need to go to on July 4.

Where to find my nearest polling station in Southampton?

If you want to find your nearest polling station then you can head to the Southampton City Council website here.

You'll need to type your postcode or street into their search engine and it will tell you which polling station you'll need to go to.

Who are the candidates in Southampton for the 2024 General Election?

Southampton Test

There will be seven candidates to choose from in the Southampton Test seat, which are:

  • Ben Burcombe-Filer (Conservative)
  • Satvir Kaur (Labour)
  • Thomas Gravatt (Liberal Democrat)
  • Katherine Barbour (Green Party)
  • John Edwards (Reform UK)
  • Maggie Fricker (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)
  • Wajahat Shaukat (Workers Party of Britain)

Southampton Itchen

There will be six candidates to choose from in the Southampton Itchen seat, which are:

  • Sidney Yankson (Conservative)
  • Darren Paffey (Labour)
  • James Batho (Liberal Democrat)
  • Neil Kelly (Green Party)
  • Alex Culley (Reform UK)
  • Declan Clune (Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition)

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How did Southampton vote in the last general election?

Conservatives held the seat of Southampton Itchen with a majority of 4,498 votes. Royston Smith was elected as MP.

In total, five candidates ran to be MP for the area and the electoral turnout was 65.6%.

Meanwhile, Labour held the seat of Southampton Test with a majority of 6,213 votes. Alan Whitehead was elected as MP.

In total, six candidates ran to be MP for the area and the electoral turnout was 64.2%.