Old postcards of Lymington High Street give of a sense of familiarity while also looking very different.

The overall layout of the High Street with its Georgian architecture is recognisable while the businesses, vehicles and fashion all seem alien in the modern day.

The origins of Lymington High Street can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when the Lord of the Manor played a key role in its development. He planned a wide High Street specifically to accommodate a market, a tradition that continues to this day with the weekly Saturday market.

(Image: postcards)

Evidence suggests the initial development was close to the riverbank, encompassing the land that would become the High Street and extending southwards.

Throughout the medieval period, Lymington thrived on salt production, further boosting the importance of the High Street as a centre for trade.

Alongside the weekly market, the town also held annual fairs, attracting people from far and wide.

(Image: postcards)

The Georgian period marked a significant turning point for the High Street's appearance.

Lymington's prosperity, fueled by the salt industry, led to a transformation of the buildings along the High Street. Many structures were either rebuilt in brick or received new facades, resulting in the Georgian architectural style that can still be seen in some parts today.

While the High Street's core function as a market hub remained constant, its surroundings continued to adapt over time.

(Image: postcards)

Resources like the Lymington and District Historical Society or local archives might shed light on specific businesses and changes that occurred throughout the centuries.

Lymington High Street's story is one of commerce, architectural transformation, and adaptation.

It continues to be the heart of Lymington, offering a glimpse into the town's past through its architecture and the traditions it carries forward.

These images, all taken from old postcards, show Lymington High Street as it was in years gone by.