Free training on how to use a defibrillator is set to take place in Totton, following the donation of two defibrillators to the area.

These life-saving devices have been gifted by Paul Cheeter and Sharon Brady, commemorating James Brady, and have been placed by Heartbeat at two prominent locations.

The chosen spots are Headway Southampton and West Wessex on Commercial Road and the Snows Stadium complex, the home of AFC Totton football club.

Headway offers support to survivors of acquired brain injuries (ABI), their families and friends.

One of the locations for the defibrillators is Snows StadiumOne of the locations for the defibrillators is Snows Stadium (Image: Headway)

AFC Totton in the Community is a registered charity for the community side of AFC Totton Football Club.

Its aim is the promotion of community participation in healthy activities, particularly football.

The training, scheduled for Friday, September 13, will be held at the Snows Stadium.

It is available to both those from the organisations which received the defibrillators and members of the community.

Interested persons can choose from two sessions, the first from 10.00am to 11.30am and the second from 11.45am to 1.15pm.

To secure a place in the training, contact Jenny at Heartbeat on 023 8070 6095.

Training to use the defibrillators is set to take place on September 13Training to use the defibrillators is set to take place on September 13 (Image: Headway)

Tara Doel, business manager at Headway and Charities and communities lead for AFC Totton in the Community, said: "We are so grateful for the donation of these lifesaving appliances, they are such an important piece of equipment.

"Having access to train as many people in the local area in their use is equally important to provide better understanding in their use and instil confidence in case there is ever a need to use them.

"Thank you so much to Paul and Sharon."