Quadruple amputee Alex Lewis has completed his world-first 1,000 mile rowing and cycling challenge. 

The inspirational Hampshire dad, who had all four limbs amputated after contracting Strep A in 2013, enjoyed his latest epic adventure over land and sea - The Pig 2 Pig, making him the first quadruple amputee to row across Southern England and cycle back. 

He was sprayed with Champagne and cheered by well-wishers as he crossed the finish line at The Pig at Harlyn Bay in Cornwall, having rowed 350 miles offshore from there to the Pig at Bridge Place in Kent before hand-cycling 649 miles back. 

(Image: The Alex Lewis Trust)

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Along the way Alex, from Stockbridge, stopped at businesses, schools, universities and charities, to raise awareness of what his FLOAT foundation does to bring hope to those in need of assisted technology. He had a particularly moving meeting with fellow amputee Harmony Rose during a visit to Coombe Down Primary School on the Salisbury to Warminster leg. 

The challenge, which saw legendary sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and dozens of others join Alex along the way, has so far raised £15,000 for Alex's own FLOAT Foundation, which supports the education, development and implementation of assistive technology globally, Hampshire paediatric intensive care charity the Murray Parish Trust and hospitality hardship help fund Hospitality Action.

It involved non-swimmer Alex rowing his adapted boat with a single oar and companion, then hand cycling with his special adapted bike, which has previously got him through the Simien mountains in Ethiopia.

(Image: The Alex Lewis Trust)

Speaking at the end of the challenge, Alex said: "It's been an amazing thirty days. To get to this point is a mixture of happiness, sadness and relief. I've loved every second of it, the good bits, the bad bits and the in between bits, all the people involved, everyone who has helped, everyone who has supported me and everyone who has donated. 

"This isn't the end, this is just the beginning of some more ridiculous stuff we've got lined up."

Alex has previously suggested that the Pig2Pig would be a warm up event for a possible future row across the Atlantic in two year's time, if it went well. 

To support the Pig 2 Pig Challenge, visit jumblebee.co.uk/p2pdonations