Fire cadets from Gosport have raised money for Cancer Research and taken part in a 5km Race For Life.

On Saturday, June 29, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service’s Gosport Fire Cadets got stuck into Portsmouth’s Pretty Muddy 5k Race for Life.

Armed with their runner numbers, pink tutus and a whole lot of glitter the group worked together to tackle the various obstacles and puddles.

The team managed to complete the 5K course in around an hour and so far they have raised over £350 for Cancer Research UK.

Fire Cadet Lead Instructor for Hampshire Fire and Rescue, Emily Frith, said: "It was a fantastic achievement, and we are so proud of our cadets.

"The day wouldn’t have been possible without Watch Manager’s Isla and Niamh, who signed the cadets up for the race and made sure everyone was covered head to toe in pink glitter."