AN inquest has opened into the death of a motorcyclist on a major Hampshire road.

Kieran Short, of Botley Road, Shedfield, died on Thursday, June 27 on the A334 at the junction with Sandy Lane.

An inquest was opened into his death at Winchester Coroners' Court on Wednesday, July 3.

READ MORE: Tributes left on A334 where Shedfield motorcyclist died

The inquest heard that Mr Short, 20, was riding his motorbike on the A334 and collided with stationary cars waiting at the junction with Sandy Lane.

The causes of death were given as traumatic chest and abdominal injuries.

READ MORE: Tributes paid to motorcyclist who died in A334 crash 

A full inquest will be held at Winchester Coroners' Court on July 8 next year. 

Following his death, an online fundraising page was set up to help with funeral costs. By Wednesday, July 3, £8,290 had been raised.