A primary school has had its rating dropped by Ofsted.

Bitterne Manor Primary School was previously rated 'Outstanding'.

But following an inspection on June 4 and 5, the school, on Quayside Road, now has a rating of 'Good'.

It received a rating of 'Good' in the quality of education, personal development, leadership and management, as well as early years provision.

In the behaviour and attitude category, the school was deemed ‘Outstanding’.

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The report said: “Pupils strive to achieve the school’s ambition of ‘learning to be the best we can’.

“Through the school’s learning values, pupils are supported to think creatively and develop self-confidence. They are encouraged to take pride in their achievements.”

The school was described as “highly inclusive” which pupils enjoy being part of.

It said: “They talk about being part of the ‘Bitterne Family’, where everyone is valued. This includes the supportive staff, who pupils feel they can approach for help at any time.

“Pupils learn about the importance of kindness. They commonly seek to help others in the smallest of ways. This is recognised each week when pupils nominate others who have shown the values of ‘Kindness Kevin’.”

The school’s curriculum was described as “broad and ambitious” which has a “careful consideration of the order in which pupils learn new knowledge across subjects”.

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The report said: “This begins in early years, where the curriculum builds carefully from children’s starting points.

“Across core subjects, curriculum thinking deliberately revisits important knowledge that pupils have previously learned. However, this is not the case in some foundation subjects where the focus is on pupils recalling knowledge they have learned recently.

“Consequently, in these subjects, they remember less of the important knowledge over time.”

The behaviour of pupils at the school was also highlighted in the report.

It said: “Behaviour is exemplary. Pupils across the school reflect the school’s high expectations by consistently acting with courtesy and consideration towards others.

“This starts in the early years when children learn important routines which prepare them for Year 1 and beyond. In lessons, pupils work with high levels of focus.”