A Hampshire man raped a girl while intoxicated, leaving her feeling 'frightened and confused', a court has heard.

Jack Fry attacked the child during an incident in March this year when he had been drinking and taking drugs, Southampton Crown Court was told.

The 'opportunistic' attack by the 25-year-old, of Gore Road, New Milton, lasted around nine or ten minutes with the victim unable to escape.

She eventually managed to get away when she lied about someone coming, allowing her to run from her attacker.

Around four days later she reported the incident.

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In a victim statement read out in court, the girl said she was “frightened and confused” following the incident and had “never experienced anything like it before”.

She said: “I couldn’t stop him. I didn’t know how to make this stop.

“I was also scared he would turn up again. I didn’t know if people would be angry with me or believe me.

“I was really embarrassed and stressed. I don’t feel safe staying in a house with men right now.

“I have been scared about being around boys or men even if I know them.”

The girl added that her “heart was beating really fast” following the rape, causing her to spend “an hour trying to get it out of [her] mind.”

Prosecutor Helen Easterbrook said Fry had been under the influence of alcohol and possibly drugs at the time adding: “This is an offence that came about because of his voluntary impairment”.

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Fry, who has four convictions for nine previous offences including drug supply, pleaded guilty to raping a child and assaulting a child by penetration.

Mitigating, Charles Gabb said: “There is one single piece of mitigation in this case and that is simply the fact that the defendant had pleaded guilty.

“The defendant wishes through me to apologise. It is not lost on him the enormity of what he has done.”

Judge Nicholas Rowland told him these are “two serious offences”, describing it as “opportunistic” and adding that the victim was “particularly vulnerable”.

He said: "You had been on an extended drink and drugs consumption spree.

“Mercifully for her, they were not prolonged in comparison to other cases I have to deal with.”

Fry was jailed for seven years and six months with an extended licence period of one year.

He was made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order for the next ten years.