Two newly-elected MPs have hit out at Southern Water after it announced it would hike water bills by almost 50 per cent over the next five years.

Southampton Itchen MP Darren Paffey called the rise "entirely unjustifiable" while Eastleigh representative Liz Jarvis said it was "insulting".

The company, which provides water and sewerage across Southampton and Hampshire, said average bills would go up by 44 per cent over that period - equiavelent to £183.

Regulator Ofwat had declined requests from water companies for higher increases.

Both Mr Paffey and Ms Jarvis are calling for a crack down on large water bill rises in light of Southern Water's announcement.

Mr Paffey, elected as Labour MP at the general election earlier this month, said: "At a time when Southern Water is still one of the poorest performing water companies in the country, customers will be shocked by their proposed price hike, and even more so by the news that their Chief Executive was awarded a bonus of £183,000.

"This is entirely unjustifiable.

"This can only happen because the Conservative government allowed it to. But the new Labour government is bringing in sweeping changes through our Water Bill that will bring in tougher fines for sewage dumping, and put an end to bosses’ bonuses when their companies fail to meet environmental standards.

"We are introducing Customer Panels so they can hold executives to account, and if money earmarked for investment isn’t spent, then water companies will not be allowed to give it to bosses or shareholders – our new laws mean they will return that unspent money to customers.

"Together, these measures will ensure that Southern Water customers in Southampton won’t be footing the bill for more failures."

READ MORE: MP hits out as Southern Water bosses handed 'massive' bonuses

Ms Jarvis, who is the new Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh, is also calling on the government to implement a ban on water company executive bonuses until sewage discharges end and leaks are fixed.

She said: “Residents across Eastleigh are understandably very concerned about Southern Water’s plans to increase their bills.

"This is an insulting water bill hike in the middle of a cost of living crisis and all the while water firms continue to pump raw sewage into our precious waterways, including the River Itchen.

“Southern Water should not be allowed to get away with this.

"Communities like ours voted to take tough action on these polluting and profiteering firms. The regulator and government must listen.

“People told me they want an MP who will stand up against these firms. That is why one of my first actions in Parliament will be to call out these disgraced firms for their water bill hikes.”

Stuart Ledger, Southern Water’s chief financial officer, said: “Since submitting our business plan in October, we have continued to engage with stakeholders and customers, to feed into Ofwat’s process.  

“We are now reviewing Ofwat’s Draft Determination, and we will publish our response on 28 August 2024, ahead of Ofwat’s Final Determination in December 2024.”