Southampton is set to reach 28C this week as temperatures soar in the heatwave.

According to the Met Office, temperatures in Southampton on Friday will hit 28C.

A “tropical night” is on the cards on Friday, the weather service has said.

The possibility of sunshine and clear skies is a welcome relief after days of frequent rainfall.

Here is the forecast for the next few days


Friday – Highs of 28C with temperatures piquing at 4pm, before falling to 20C at 10pm.

Saturday – Sunshine and clouds with highs of 23C at 1pm. The temperature is predicted to drop below 20C from 10pm.

Sunday – Slightly cooler day with the Met Office predicting 22C at 4pm, with steady sunshine throughout the day.

As summer finally makes a reappearance, the NHS has urged people to stay safe in the sun.

Dr Siama Latif, Associate Medical Director at NHS 24 said: “Most people love when the sun is shining, and being outdoors in the nicer weather is brilliant for your health and wellbeing, but it’s important to remember that health conditions like sunburn or heat stroke are no joke.

“Between 11am and 3pm when the sun is at its hottest, seek shade wherever possible.”